5 Important Elder Abuse Statistics You Need to Know

5 Important Elder Abuse Statistics You Need to Know

To close out this Elder Abuse Awareness month, we’d like to talk about some of the important elder abuse statistics you need to know. Why is it important to know the statistics? Because not only does staying informed allow you to be a better advocate for your loved ones, but it also helps increase your chances of spotting and stopping abuse. When we know the odds, the typical perpetrators, and the usual victims, we can approach abuse situations knowing that it may not be an outlying instance. We can be an advocate for anyone vulnerable to nursing home abuse.

5 Statistics You Need to Know 

All of these stats are taken from the Nursing Home Abuse Center.

1.According to the Journal of American Geriatrics Society, roughly 54 out of 129 seniors with dementia experienced some form of psychological abuse from their caregivers. This means that the senior is meant to trust most and relies on, sometimes exclusively for their daily care, is the one perpetrating abuse. Unfortunately, even if your loved one with dementia is in the care of someone you know, you should still be regularly checking for signs of abuse. 

2.The National Adult Protective Services Association reported that only 1 in 44 cases of financial abuse is reported. Financial abuse is more of a silent abuse; the signs are not always easy to see, and victims may not even know it has happened or might be extremely embarrassed to say something. If you are suspicious of financial abuse, do everything in your power to investigate and determine if your loved one has been financially abused. 

3.According to the Administration for Community Living, nearly 16,000 reports of sexual abuse in nursing homes have been made since 2000. Unfortunately, this means that sexual abuse is more common than you probably think. Learn the signs of sexual abuse here and here

4.Neglect accounted for 14% of complaints against nursing homes, according to the National Center for Victims of Crime. Minor instances of neglect often have a simple solution: speak to the administration and nursing staff. However, action against all neglect requires that you speak up for your loved one, so do not be scared to mention even small matters.

5.1 in 5 emergency room visits among nursing home residents was attributed to abuse or neglect in a 2019 report from the Office of Inspector General. Abuse and neglect are untenable enough by themselves, but they can also lead to even worse illnesses and injuries. Infection from bedsores, broken bones, depression, and other medical problems are all possible as a result of abuse and neglect. 

To best protect your loved ones and yourself, stay informed about the signs and symptoms of abuse. Visit the Nursing Home Abuse Center’s page on Elder Abuse Statistics as well as their page on Warning Signs.

If you or a loved one have been a victim of elder abuse, call Gharibian Law (877-875-1119) today for a free consultation and the best legal representation.