There is nothing so satisfying as knowing you are making a difference in other peoples’ lives. That’s one of our motivators here at Gharibian Law; knowing that we make a difference in the lives of abuse victims, seek justice, and become a voice for the voiceless. As we close out 2022 and look into the new year, we are proud to have made progress, but know that there is still so much more to do to eradicate abuse. That’s why we are encouraging you all to consider these five fantastic ways to advocate for older Americans, and join the effort in the new year.
Advocate For Older Americans
Elder abuse comes in many forms and can be perpetrated by anyone in contact with, or caring for, an elderly person. That’s why it’s important for all of us to keep a watchful eye, raise awareness, and report abuse when we see it. Here are five ways you can advocate for older Americans and make a difference in your local and global community.
Mark your calendars! June 15 is World Elder Abuse Awareness Day, October is Residents’ Rights Month, November is Alzheimer’s Awareness Month, and September is Dementia Awareness Month. Mark your calendars and set aside time on those days or during those months to help raise awareness of elder abuse and some key illnesses that affect the elderly population.
Visit NCOA to find causes that require you to write to your Congressional representative. The National Council on Aging (NCOA) is an advocacy organization and informational hub that regularly posts advocacy tool kits and current legislative issues that need your voice. They list the current causes and encourage you to contact your representative to give these issues the attention they need.
Download and use the Consumer Voice Social Media Kit. This social media kit is designed to give you easy-to-access tools that you can post across social media. By doing so, you are helping spread awareness of elder abuse and what is needed to end abuse in nursing homes across the country.
Report any signs of abuse. This is probably the most important way you can use your voice to stop abuse. Whether it’s a sign of neglect, evidence of illegal antipsychotic drugging, or clear signs of overt physical abuse, it is important to report it. Report abuse to local departments of aging, the police, and the care facility’s administration. To learn more about reporting abuse, visit the Nursing Home Abuse Center website.
Support AIM. The Alzheimer’s Impact Movement is an advocacy group that aims to support and lobby for policies that support the Alzheimer’s community. Their work includes fighting for investment in research, improving Alzheimer’s care, and developing prevention measures.
Whether you know someone who has suffered abuse, or are passionate about advocating for the voiceless, we hope you get involved to help end elder abuse in America.
If you or a loved one have been a victim of nursing home neglect or abuse, call Gharibian Law (877-875-1119) today for a free consultation and the best legal representation.
5 Ways to Advocate for Older Americans in the New Year
There is nothing so satisfying as knowing you are making a difference in other peoples’ lives. That’s one of our motivators here at Gharibian Law; knowing that we make a difference in the lives of abuse victims, seek justice, and become a voice for the voiceless. As we close out 2022 and look into the new year, we are proud to have made progress, but know that there is still so much more to do to eradicate abuse. That’s why we are encouraging you all to consider these five fantastic ways to advocate for older Americans, and join the effort in the new year.
Advocate For Older Americans
Elder abuse comes in many forms and can be perpetrated by anyone in contact with, or caring for, an elderly person. That’s why it’s important for all of us to keep a watchful eye, raise awareness, and report abuse when we see it. Here are five ways you can advocate for older Americans and make a difference in your local and global community.
Whether you know someone who has suffered abuse, or are passionate about advocating for the voiceless, we hope you get involved to help end elder abuse in America.
If you or a loved one have been a victim of nursing home neglect or abuse, call Gharibian Law (877-875-1119) today for a free consultation and the best legal representation.