How to Identify and Report Elder Abuse

Elder abuse involves actions aiming to harm, the harming without intent, and also the neglect that leads to harm of older individuals. If you’re worried that you might be at risk, or are concerned about a friend, relative or patient, continue reading to learn how to identify Elder abuse and how and when to report it.

How to Identify and Report Elder Abuse

Identifying Elder Abuse

Generally, the elder is confused or does not feel safe talking about what is happening. In this case, familiarizing yourself with the signs of the different types of Elder Abuse is the best way to ensure that you know how to identify if it happens.

Physical Abuse Signs

      • Usually results in some bodily injury or impairment.
      • It could go from cuts and scratches to brain injuries or broken bones.
      • If there is a history of repeated injuries, this also could be a sign.

 Emotional Abuse Signs

      • This abuse could cause the elderly patient to be afraid of a caregiver or person.
      • She or he could become disconnected from family and friends or to act out differently.
      • If a person has a mental illness, his or her actions could be more severe.

Neglect Signs

      • Dirty or unsanitary living conditions.
      • Poorly managed medications.
      • Bedsores, dehydration, malnutrition, and other unexplained or untreated medical conditions.

Financial Abuse Signs:

      • Missing checks, credit or debit cards.
      • Failing to make payments on time.
      • Missing property or insufficient funds in banking accounts.

Reporting Elder Abuse

Generally, any person who is in some way responsible for the care of an older adult should make a report if he or she has reason to believe that the elderly person has been abused. These could include professional at-home caregivers, caregivers hired through family members, or other medical professionals who interact with the elderly person regularly.

If you suspect abuse, you should be sure to document the signs. This could include the following:

      • Take note of his or her changes in behavior.
      • Take photographs of injuries.
      • Write descriptions of the victim’s injuries.
      • Written statements from the victim.
      • Written statements from any witnesses.

All of these things could help to confirm or disprove your suspicions. If the evidence you collect leads you to believe abuse may have taken place, then you should contact our Financial Abuse Lawyer Gharibian Law.

You need all the help you can get to recover financial compensation and make the guilty party legally responsible for their crimes. Contact us at 888-288-0091 or through our website right away so that we have time to take action on your case and have the best chance possible of a successful resolution.