Medical Malpractice
If a medical practitioner provides a below-standard level of care that leads to patient harm, they can be charged with medical malpractice. However, it can be challenging to understand whether an adverse outcome is due to a medical condition versus negligent or harmful care, which is why you need a skilled and experienced lawyer on your side; you need Gharibian Law.
Identifying Medical Malpractice
Generally speaking, medical malpractice occurs when a patient is harmed due to care or neglect perpetrated by their care provider. Substandard care alone is not considered malpractice; the patient has to suffer harm for the law to consider the event malpractice.
Medical Malpractice can be divided into three categories:
How Gharibian Law Will Handle Your Malpractice Cases
Our legal team is experienced in handling malpractices cases. If you come to us, we will take time to review the entirety of your case. We have experts in the field that we rely on, and we will do everything we can to build a compelling mass of evidence against your negligent care practitioner. We know that we cannot undo the harm done to you, but we can help you reconcile the consequences.