Film camera on set with actors and crew

New Documentary Sheds Light on Nursing Home Abuse

Nursing home abuse and neglect are not new problems. However, in recent years, more of a focus has been directed towards solving the abuse crisis. Part of these efforts were the federal proposals, as well as the push for a staffing standard. But we have always advocated for grassroots approaches, knowing that the voices of the many can have a huge impact. One such smaller voice is that of filmmaker Susie Singer Carter who released a documentary shedding light on nursing home abuse titled “No Country for Old People.”

The Nursing Home Abuse Crisis

We’ve reported the appalling numbers before on this blog. Nursing home abuse is more prevalent than you would think. A result of a number of factors, abuse affects roughly 5 million Americans every year, though many of those cases go unreported. 

In nursing homes, emotional and physical abuse are common, as well as varying forms of neglect. Covid exacerbated the issue, causing more staffing issues, and barring loved ones from seeing residents. It is also known that those with Alzheimer’s or dementia are more likely to be abused in nursing homes, which was part of Carter’s inspiration for her documentary series.

Film camera on set with actors and crew
PC: Chris Murray via Unsplash

The Documentary

Susie Singer Carter recalls the horrors her own mother experienced in nursing homes during Covid, using them as a jumping off point for stories in the film. Utilizing real voices, Carter includes more than 60 interviews in her documentary, talking to former nursing home directors, elder care attorneys, health care providers and advocates. 

Through these individuals, Carter hopes to raise awareness of some of the more pressing issues plaguing nursing homes. She is passionate about getting vital information out there, telling the all-too-real stories of individuals who have experienced the worse side of nursing home life. Through her documentary, Carter is also hoping to enact real change and open the eyes of legislators and policymakers. 

Watch No Country for Old People.


If you or a loved one have been the victim of abuse or neglect, call Gharibian Law (866-958-4052) today for a FREE consultation and the best legal representation.