During the month of October, Residents’ Rights Month is celebrated, which was established by the National Voice of the Consumer for Quality Long-Term Care with the purpose of raising awareness and giving the attention they deserve to older adults who they are residing in retirement homes or in their own homes but must be cared for by others.
Also this year specifically, the celebration reminds us of the importance that older adults also feel that they are part of a community since belonging is a human need and continues to be for residents of nursing homes or the elderly who live with their caregivers. Unfortunately, the pandemic caused older adults to isolate themselves so as not to get COVID-19 and have complications due to conditions they already had or their health status.
For this reason, this year it is emphasized how important it is for them to feel that they participate and are part of the community to which they belong, now that they can go out again and communicate more easily with people around them.
Some activities that older adults will have access to during this month include some tips for residents to communicate more with their peers, caregivers and even their visitors so that they gradually have more of this feeling that they belong to a larger community by carry out activities with them such as puzzles, some crafts, conversations that help them get to know each other better, among others so that people living in nursing homes stay entertained and at the same time communicate with the outside world so that they do not feel isolated and develop depression or anxiety.
We invite you or your loved ones, as well as caregivers and nursing home managers, to take advantage of this month to carry out more activities related to unity and belonging to the community. On the other hand, we remind you of the importance of staying informed about the rights that belong to any resident of a nursing home or any type of residence where they are being cared for.
More information about these rights can be found at: https://theconsumervoice.org/issues/recipients/nursing-home-residents/residents-rights
October is Resident Rights Month
During the month of October, Residents’ Rights Month is celebrated, which was established by the National Voice of the Consumer for Quality Long-Term Care with the purpose of raising awareness and giving the attention they deserve to older adults who they are residing in retirement homes or in their own homes but must be cared for by others.
Also this year specifically, the celebration reminds us of the importance that older adults also feel that they are part of a community since belonging is a human need and continues to be for residents of nursing homes or the elderly who live with their caregivers. Unfortunately, the pandemic caused older adults to isolate themselves so as not to get COVID-19 and have complications due to conditions they already had or their health status.
For this reason, this year it is emphasized how important it is for them to feel that they participate and are part of the community to which they belong, now that they can go out again and communicate more easily with people around them.
Some activities that older adults will have access to during this month include some tips for residents to communicate more with their peers, caregivers and even their visitors so that they gradually have more of this feeling that they belong to a larger community by carry out activities with them such as puzzles, some crafts, conversations that help them get to know each other better, among others so that people living in nursing homes stay entertained and at the same time communicate with the outside world so that they do not feel isolated and develop depression or anxiety.
We invite you or your loved ones, as well as caregivers and nursing home managers, to take advantage of this month to carry out more activities related to unity and belonging to the community.
On the other hand, we remind you of the importance of staying informed about the rights that belong to any resident of a nursing home or any type of residence where they are being cared for.
More information about these rights can be found at: https://theconsumervoice.org/issues/recipients/nursing-home-residents/residents-rights