Support Assembly Bill 1502

Support Assembly Bill 1502

There are so many changes that need to be made in order to achieve the quality of care and living all senior citizens deserve in nursing homes across the country. We are excited to announce that, in California, the California Advocates for Nursing Home Reform (CANHR) is sponsoring Assembly Bill 1502 which will be voted on in January of 2022.

What is Assembly Bill 1502?

For decades, ownership and management of nursing home and care facilities has been passed on without the approval of the California Department of Public Health (CDPH). The result has been poor, inadequate, unsuitable, unapproved, and unaccountable management of facilities, as well as what is called “zombie nursing home licenses.” 

If passed, Assembly Bill 1502 would require any person looking to take on the management, ownership, or operation of a nursing home or care facility to be screened and approved by CDPH before taking on their leadership role. Not only would this ensure qualified individuals are in charge of the operation and management of California care facilities, but it would also require CDPH to make all applications public and therefore open to the comments of the public. 

This transparency and accountability within nursing home and care facility management would be a huge step in the right direction for California nursing homes and another guard against abuse and neglect.

How You Can Show Your Support

To show your support for Assembly Bill 1502, visit the CANHR website, download the fact sheet, and, more importantly, write to your representatives! You can even use the template provided by CANHR to make sure your voice is heard. 

If you or your loved one are a victim of nursing home abuse or neglect, or if a case of abuse is brought to your attention, contact Gharibian Law (866-958-4052) for a free consultation and a team of legal experts that will fight for you.