What is important to look for when visiting a nursing home?

What is Important to Look for when Visiting a Nursing Home?

Regular visits to a loved one living in a care home for the elderly are critical to know they are being taken care of properly, just as promised at the beginning.

Unfortunately, some nursing home managers often promise to give the elderly special treatment. However, this may not always be the case, and they may change their behavior toward them when no one is looking. Therefore, when visiting them, we recommend that you pay attention to some crucial details that can send you signals that everything is in order or that something might need attention and dig a little more into the matter.

Number of personnel working in a shift

Observe approximately how many people are working in the care and attention to the residents. In order to get an idea of whether the nursing home is properly trained to care for the number of older adults who reside in it and whether there is not a lack of personnel that causes negligence.

Cleaning in common areas, kitchen, and rooms

Check the cleanliness in every corner of your loved one’s room and in common areas where older adults gather. Also, check the places where they store medicines and where they prepare food for the residents. Again, this may be a sign of attention to detail on the part of those in charge or carelessness reflected in the hygiene of your older adult.

Activities of recreation, coexistence, and free time

Seniors need to socialize and feel part of the community. Therefore, the asylum must have an activity plan that keeps them busy and helps them to live with each other so that they do not feel isolated, depressed, or anxious.

Finally, we recommend that you carefully analyze your loved one’s behavior to identify any significant changes. For example, it could be reflected in the countenance, injuries, or sadness that can show you that your loved one is being abused or not being taken care of properly.

At Gharibian Law, we are always willing to help and fight for the rights of our community of older adults. Feel free to contact us if you need support.