Consumer Voice Research: Transparency & Accountability

Consumer Voice Research: Transparency & Accountability

For years, the nursing home industry has been bogged down and held back by a lack of transparency and accountability. Not only do the failings as a result of no transparency and accountability affect residents, but it affects staff and community as well. From staffing standards, to food standards, to ensuring quality care, Consumer Voice is conducting research to identify ways in which transparency and accountability can improve.

Transparency and Accountability

A 2023 Gallup Poll found that, among other failings, nursing homes tended to fall short in providing comfortable homes and safe residential experiences. What’s more, overall, nursing homes received a D+ rating for quality of care. 

This is in addition to continuing issues surrounding a fear of retaliation for reporting abuse, low and dangerous staff-to-resident ratios, poor investigations, unfair and illegal evictions, and incomplete financial reports

In this end, this all spells out a complete lack of transparency and accountability. Additionally, all of these already varying factors depend on who owns the care facility. Non-profit facilities tend to rate better on quality care, but there are still so many other problems that it’s almost hard to keep track.

This is where Consumer Voice Comes in.

Consumer Voice Research

On top of all of their advocacy, Consumer Voice has been given a grant to conduct research. In a recent call for proposals, they stated that Arnold Ventures is providing a two year grant that will support research that dives deep into the financial and ownership transparency of nursing homes in two states.

The project will provide technical support and training in the following ways:

  • Identifying effective advocacy strategies;
  • Data, including data from Medicare cost reports, nursing home ownership, staffing, and other data;
  • Training on how to interpret and analyze data, and how to use it effectively in Advocacy;
  • How to advocate for increased transparency with legislators, policymakers, and other stakeholders;
  • Technical support and peer-to-peer learning throughout the project, including at least monthly  calls;
  • Sample legislation or regulations;
  • Issue briefs and other resources. 

Through research, the participating states will identify current transparency practices within nursing homes, gather data on finances, and develop advocacy plans that will improve these areas of nursing home management and life across the board.

How You Can Help

If you are an individuals or organizations “interested in advocating for policies and practices that improve transparency and accountability of nursing homes” then you should apply to participate! Qualifying individuals and organizations include: long-term care ombudsman programs, citizen advocacy organizations, advocacy coalitions, or others). Learn more and apply here.

If you or a loved one have been the victim of nursing home abuse or neglect, call Gharibian Law (877-460-1187) today for a FREE consultation and the best legal representation.