As part of their resources for Residents’ Rights Month, the National Consumer Voice for Quality Long-Term Care released a newsletter with incredibly valuable information for all of us. One of the pieces of information was their 5 steps for reporting problems in the nursing home. In order to properly advocate for yourself and loved ones, take a moment to review the following 5 steps so that nursing homes can be held accountable.
Consumer Voice’s 5 Steps
- Discuss the Problem. The first step is to go to the nursing home staff and administrators. For abuse, neglect, and any other issues, the staff and administration should be informed. It is also a good idea to go to the social worker so they can connect you with resources you might need and be a voice on your behalf.
- Raise Your Concerns at Planning Meetings. If something is not being done, or if you feel there is a needed improvement in your care, do not be afraid to mention it at your care planning meetings. You can also request a special planning meeting if action needs to be taken sooner than your regularly scheduled meetings.
- Grievance Policy. Every facility is required to have a grievance policy. You can request a copy and follow their procedure so that all of the steps are covered and all necessary parties are aware of the issue. Another thing to keep in mind is that the facility is required to investigate, follow up, and inform you of any progress.
- Contact the Ombudsman. An ombudsman will help you throughout the process of filing a complaint, make sure you have all the resources you need, and act as an advocate on your behalf.
- File State Survey Agency (SSA) Complaint. The State Survey Agency is responsible for investigating nursing home complaints. If little is being done to solve your case, or if you feel like you are being ignored, you can contact the State Survey Agency for your state and complete their filing process.
As always, reach out to family and friend support systems as they can also help you through filing complaints, following up with investigations, sorting through paperwork and, if necessary, help connect you with a lawyer.
If you or a loved one have been the victim of abuse or neglect, contact Gharibian Law (877-460-1187) today for a FREE consultation and the best legal representation.